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The city of Cuiabá, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, has signed a health emergency decree due to the increase in cases of dengue and Chikungunya in the city.
Among the measures adopted to reduce cases, is the application of fines without prior authorization to owners of lots with accumulated dirt and tall weeds.
These arboviruses are transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. The reproduction occurs in objects left on these lots, which serve as breeding grounds and enable the spread of diseases.
Fines that are not paid will be collected judicially and registered in the city's active debt. The city's Attorney General, Luís Antônio Araújo, stated that the legislation even allows the possibility of lots being seized by the courts until payment is made.
In addition to the decree, the City Hall of Cuiabá recommended that owners clean the sidewalks and regularize their properties due to the "critical situation of dengue and chikungunya."
The state of Mato Grosso has already accumulated 13,885 confirmed cases of Chikungunya and 21 deaths as of February. Dengue has affected 8,033 people with 4 deaths.
In addition to Cuiabá, with 3,425 confirmed cases and XX deaths from Chikungunya, Rondonópolis also declared an emergency. The city has 4,699 confirmed cases and 1 death.
With the increase in the number of infected people, the Regional Medical Council (CRM-MT) proposed the creation of triage centers to expedite care and organize patient flow.
The declaration of emergency allows the municipality to acquire supplies and materials for mosquito control and treatment of the sick without the delays of bidding processes, the non-bureaucratic hiring of essential services, temporary labor hiring without the need for public exams, strengthening medical and nursing teams, as well as necessary inspections and sanctions.

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