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With five million liters of water and more than 40,000 species, the Pantanal Biopark in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, holds the title of the largest freshwater aquarium in the world.
Open to the public free of charge, this state government project aims to provide an immersive space for learning and exploration. Inaugurated on March 28, 2022, the attraction features around 30 aquariums arranged to allow visitors to move along paths designed to mimic river waves.
Each tank has been carefully designed and decorated to replicate the natural conditions necessary for the species’ growth and well-being. Mornings are reserved for school visits, where students learn from guides about fish life and the importance of environmental conservation.
Among the highlights are albino fish, which are rare in the wild because their bright coloration makes them easy targets for predators.
One tank is dedicated to caimans, a reptile native to the Pantanal. Once hunted for their skin and meat, caimans are no longer endangered.
The biopark’s aquariums also showcase native Pantanal fish species. The dourado—known as the "king of the river"—shares its habitat with the aggressive tucunaré-azul, an invasive species, as well as with piranhas. Despite their fearsome reputation in movies, piranhas only attack to protect their nests, usually found among riverbank vegetation. They also play a vital role in water cleanliness by scavenging animal remains.
All animals on display are fed with either pellets or pre-slaughtered prey. An example is Gaby Amarantos, a 3.10-meter-long anaconda named after a famous singer from the Amazon region.
Size plays a key role in the design of habitats that simulate large river ecosystems. Deeper areas with lower light levels host massive catfish species like the jaú and pintado, both native to the Pantanal. These large predators are crucial to maintaining the freshwater ecosystem’s balance. Another impressive resident is the pirarucu, a giant fish that can grow up to three meters, though it is not native to the Pantanal.
The biopark also exhibits species from other regions of Brazil and around the world. Fish from Africa, Europe, and Oceania are displayed, including the archerfish from Australia, known for its unique ability to spit water at insects, knocking them into the water to be eaten.
The Mexican axolotl, another attraction, fascinates visitors. These amphibians, which resemble tiny dragons, live underwater throughout their lives.
Exotic Brazilian species also feature prominently in the exhibits. One of these is the piramboia, a long, eel-like fish that breathes with lungs capable of storing oxygen. It surfaces every 40 minutes to breathe air.
The biopark’s outdoor areas showcase Pantanal-native animals and vegetation, further immersing visitors in the region’s biodiversity.
In addition to public exhibitions, the biopark houses research centers focused on developing solutions for environmental preservation and restoration. Several species bred with human assistance in the biopark’s laboratories demonstrate that it is possible to reverse the decline of endangered animals. One such example is the cascudo-viola, displayed in the "Ressurgências" aquarium, which offers a glimpse into the life of a fish that dwells at the bottom of rivers.
There is currently a proposal to privatize the Pantanal Biopark, but the idea remains under study.

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