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Blue and Yellow macaws stand out for their colorful plumage and adopt cities with an abundance of trees
A group of yellow-cheeked macaws rests in nests in the urban area of Campo Grande, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul. This spot is located along the MS-040 highway, in an area of vegetation from the Cerrado biome. This species of macaw is found throughout Brazil, always seeking humid forests and floodplain areas with trees. The yellow-cheeked macaws belong to the parrot family (Psittacidae). They are characterized by being smaller than other macaws, reaching a maximum size of 86 cm and weighing between 995 to 1380 grams. Their coloration includes blue on the back, yellow on the belly, and white and black on the head and neck, with the front of the head being green. According to the Arara Azul Institute, an NGO that monitors and works to conserve the species, the macaws have adapted to cities due to deforestation of their habitats. Cities with a large number of fruit trees tend to attract these birds. Campo Grande is known as the "capital of macaws," and the bird, which is the city's symbol, ensures campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of the species and biodiversity in the region. Yellow-cheeked macaws feed on fruits and seeds, helping with their dispersion, but they also eat shoots, flowers, and nectar, and sometimes prey on certain plant species. The presence of the macaws has also contributed to an increase in tourism in the region. To ensure reproductive success, the availability of nests is crucial. They depend on dead palm tree trunks, using small openings they find to build their nests. The macaws enlarge these openings to make the space more suitable and use the same nest for years.